Thursday 2 November 2017


amazing learning boss
During Samhain, people would call upon spirits to tell the future. There were some strange rituals performed during the holiday, meant to let people know if prosperity or misfortune awaited them, most of which were described as “spells.”
Some were fairly innocent. In one, for example, girls would hide beside a neighbor’s house. They would fill their mouths full of water, holding a pinch of salt in each hand, and listen in on their conversations. The first name of an unmarried man, they believed, would be the many they married.
In another, men would open the doors of the barn and mime letting down corn against the wind three times. After the third time, a spirit would pass through the barn, taking the appearance of the position they’d hold in adulthood. Boys were encouraged, though, to take the hinges off the doors or else the spirit would never leave, staying behind to torment them.


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